But I have some stories to share. The experiences that I never thought they would haunt me, few years ago. Skarang sudah lupa skit2..(tp b4 lupa terus, let me blog it..huhu) Where it happened, I hv to make it secret bcause I'm afraid that some of u reject the course offered there. Ok, so the stories r like this..
Tutup lampu jika nak tambahkan the ketakutan itu..
One day, ada gotong royong di asrama. I was one of the college committee, so a bit busier compared to others rakyat jelata. Utk menyenangkan kehidupan, I left my hp in my room-of-2 itu. We finished the gotong royong around 7.30pm. Mghrib2.. where the sky r still orange colour hihi.
So nk tnggu my body temperature tone down sket b4 taking my bath, I called home. N my father answered..
One day, ada gotong royong di asrama. I was one of the college committee, so a bit busier compared to others rakyat jelata. Utk menyenangkan kehidupan, I left my hp in my room-of-2 itu. We finished the gotong royong around 7.30pm. Mghrib2.. where the sky r still orange colour hihi.
So nk tnggu my body temperature tone down sket b4 taking my bath, I called home. N my father answered..
Bapak : Dina.. td bapak call, around 6.30 td.. kwn Dina yg angkat ke?
Me : Huh? Time tu.. ada gotong royong.. n i left my phone in the room..tp.. sape? Die ckp ape2 ke?
Bapak : Ntah.. perempuan.. tak ckp ape2 pun.. Bapak ckp helo.. then die gelak, n letak..
Me : (WTF!!!Tp mmg tahu wut really happen, n kene juge sedapkan hati) Err.. oo.. mungkin Kak A kot td.. (Kak A kate, die tak masuk bilik pun)
I was one of the college committe for a semester (bape kali i repeat this?? haha sbb terbangga sket). So all committees were placed in one block which I heard, the most haunted block. (Yup, most of my highschool dormates knew how penakut I was, and im myself still pelik how i survived the semester at the block). Ok, as a committee, any cases of histeria, we hv to in charge situasi itu. Tidak kira lah anda anak eldest yg paling penakut or anak bongsu plg berani.
So one day, one of the girls was terasuk. So during Maghrib (owh no, saya meremang), we had a Yassin session at the surau. All girls hv to buat bulatan, the girls rasuk-ed tu kat tgh2 with some had to hold her (n of course not me!!)
Jadi, she was menjerit2.. 'Aku tak takut laa.. Kau baca pun salah macam mana nak takut.' (shit.. serius ni seram.. How can we baca betul2!! Terketar2 ok) 'Yang kau tu tak sembahyang, kau laa kwn aku'. 'Eh kau.. yg baju kuning tu.. tadi x sembahyang subuh pun..aku tau laa.' Sambil mengamuk2 kepanasan hearing the beautiful ayat of Surah Yassin.
Im not making up stories. I was one of them di surau itu n remembered how scary that night was. How gelabah was everyone..
So that night, dont expect that I can sleep okay. So Nora n I, (Nora, miss u! haha yg bkal menjadi ibu) tido dekat2 sbb takut haha. N bukak my walkman, dgn kaset mengaji, n made the highest volume. Lampu bilik was on. Nak tutup mata pun susah. Tgh dgr the ngaji tu, tiba2 stop. I checked the kaset, x habis lagi. Battery baru je beli ptg itu. OMG. Baru nk on semula, the window berbunyi like someone baling batu. Bukan sekali, but byk kali. Cepat2 saya baring semula, tutup muka dgn bantal.
To think back, we were in the 4th floor. Tingkap itu tak de vrandah. Faham tak. Yg the side of the building yg takde corridor.. N who the hell nk kuar late at nite tu baling batu at my window?
Ok, jika terbangun malam2 juga satu penyeksaan. There was one nite, I was awake like 2 am. Roomate tido.. X sampai hati nk kejut.Saya rapat juga dgn kwn2 di depan bilik, yg lebih gila n sempoi (Yes u CY!! n Nora!) So I called her handphone.. Tp tak dpt.. Tak kire, nak juga pi bilik diorg.. So berani sungguh, I opened my door, tutup n ketuk pintu bilik depan. Tgh ketuk2 tu (yes, diorg tido mati), satu hembusan angin dari mulut tak tahu apa, saya tak nmpak, btul2 into my ears (WTTFF again), it might be soo next to me.. terus tutup mata, n I knocked the door hard like hell. Luckily CY ku sedar, so trus masuk n tutup. She asked y, I said 'Nothing.. nak tido blik kau.'
Dgn cekalnya, at the end of the semester, I quit as a committee. X nak duduk di situ. N I requested for room of 4, tp tak dpt. Still kene bilik 2 org.Tak ape la.. as long as bukan block itu. Traumatised by the last semester, kdg2 terbgn at night, sbb bunyi org melompat2 di floor atas!!Kuat. N every second. Mcm org tgh skipping. WTF at 3 am???? Kadang2 bila bunyi skipping dah stop, the sound of tarik kerusi pulak. The next morning, my roomate (Kak Lia!! where r u?? rindu juga) told me wut she heard.
Ok, bukan saya sahaja yg dgr. The sound was so annoying that woke us up like every nite. After one week tido dlm ketidakselesaan, sbb bising.. we went upstairs. Tanya the ahli bilik. Asal laa korg skipping malam2. N tarik kerusi, korg slow2 pls.. Seriusly kuat, we wanted to sleep.
N they replied.. 'Dina, Lia, kitorg ni tido pukul 10 am! Tak kuasa nk study mlm2.. Skipping tu lagi laa mmg tak akan.'
Owh, it was the hero of movie 'P*c*ng 3' haha
After few yrs at the campus, somehow it changed my perceptions. 'Makhluk halus itu wujud. Benar-benar wujud. Dan semua adalah makhluk Allah swt.'
Bukan ape..dulu mmg tak rase akan ada these unwanted experiences, jd tak rasa hantu itu ada.
Tp ini tak change lagi 'When I woke up at night, saye bagunkan adik saye..jgn bg mereka tido.. teman till I can sleep haha'
After few yrs at the campus, somehow it changed my perceptions. 'Makhluk halus itu wujud. Benar-benar wujud. Dan semua adalah makhluk Allah swt.'
Bukan ape..dulu mmg tak rase akan ada these unwanted experiences, jd tak rasa hantu itu ada.
Tp ini tak change lagi 'When I woke up at night, saye bagunkan adik saye..jgn bg mereka tido.. teman till I can sleep haha'
dina,,qis ni!!huishhhh!!!
byknye cite antu ko!!
gle ak seram!!
aku suke gle dgr cite antu wpon aku pnakut!!nnt klau jumpe,ko ctela lg cite2 antu yg ko tau k!!
yg bapak ko tepom tu,pompuan tu gelak camne?mengilai ke gelak manje ke atau gelak mcm zen ke?
eh dina..ko approve stu dh la dr byk2 komen td..td kesilapan teknikal..terpost byk lak..huhu
dina. fav cite antu ko yg dia ankat tepon mase bapak ko call!! gile ar. cite kat abul pon dia kate part angkat fon n gelak tu scary okey! haha. ;)
Ciss..ok ok nnti kita jumpa, bleh discuss trus haha..
Gelak cam zai kot. Haha gelak seram tu la.
Haha tu la.. kau excited plus seram.. terus terclick byk kali kot. hhuhu
Tu laa pasal! ishh regret laa aku igt balik hahah kan skang aku dah takut.. hihih
Story 1,
hantu pun dah pandai angkat fon.. maybe ko pakai ringtone sama ngan die kot.. sebab tu tersilap angkat.. hahaha.. better change ur ringtone..
haaa one more.. cuba check contacts, mana la tahu die dh save no. 'die' kat situ.. hihi..
sbenarnye dina, aku pun takut pasal hantu2 ni.. hihihi..
Lorr.. igt kau berani hehe ciss.. luckily the phone tu dah hilang, kene curi.. phew.. so if 'she' saved her no there, aku x smpat la nk igt. haha
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