Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Down and Drown

Things are getting no better for me this October, but weird and depressing instead.

I am so not comfortable with myself lately. To my surprise, people really talk as if going out with an officemate is really really a big deal. It's ok. Noted.
N it's even worse when they saw u n an officemate in one colour, they had this like-we-just-got-married-in-Thailand-look. Nightmare 1.
To be honest, Im tired of 'Tak ada apa-apa la. We r just officemate. So u girls out there, dont worry.' Adoi

And now I adore people like err.. Fasha Sandha (!!??) on how she faces her stories like an equin who had a press conference telling the whole reporters that he rejected her. OMG. Nightmare 2.

So I think deactivating my facebook profile is the best way to avoid all the gossips. Sorry, sometimes/all the time I'm a drama queen. Haha
N u know what, the moment I deactivate the page, I was like saying 'Bye bye friends, Im no longer exist.' Sick.

And this morning, as early as 9am, an auditee answered 'Open your drawer, take your calculator and use it.' when I asked the calculation of XXX. wtf.

With my 2 nightmares, 1 sick imagination and 1 wtf-story, I am so down and drown.
But I think no one cares.

I hope someone is an adopted son. =(



QisQos said...

alaa dina....makin byk gosip maknanye makin glamerla ko koz seme org sebok nk usik2 n tau psl ko..ekekekke..tunggu masa je,lame2 org pon dh lupe psl tu..:)

err..xperlula nk deactive fesbuk bagai..overlaaa ko nieee ;p

dinaRr said...

Thnks luv.
Nnti soooon aku activate balik k. haha