i tried to tutup mate a few mins more..sbb gile ngntuk as i stayed up very late last nite.. (srprisingly, 4.30am) but tringat 'eh this is my last day in pwc!!!' so dgn terhuyung hanyang i siap2 like the other normal days..
We had breakfast kat KL sentral. Along the way to OneSentral tu mcm sayu2 je..dgn morning windy2 nye.. bye2 sentral..pastu eeza kene layan laa kan..we snap few pics there. sedih..syahdu..
I entered level 15 pun with mix feelings..sedeynye tinggalkan locker ku.. machine milo, oasis cafe..sob sob.. At 15.. while others are busy doing AR n calling clients, (but i saw some with facebook- hihi), I was doing my clearance..ke sana n ke sini, ikut je laa the clearance form's procedures tu..
By 4pm..i sent my sayonara email to evryone i know (shit..fell like crying again), b4 returning my laptop yg macho n comel ini to GTS. wishing everyone all the best..bye bye an all.. kire dah sent email tu, sarey snapped few pics of me ng laptop la.. owh helo.. sape je x sedih kene pulang the most precious thing ni. so dah pack2 the cable sume, kitorg pi laa gts..level 13.. muke senyum2 sbb clearance dah nk settle! yeay!!
At the GTS counter:
Me : Helo..Im doing my clearance, n wanna return this.. hehe (smbil tnjuk my laptop, the cable n charger n still smiling)
GTS staff 1 : ermm..where's ur bag?
Me : pack??
GTS staff 1 : bag...the laptop bag.
Me : Laptop bag?? All this while ive been using mine.. ehh.. shit.. ya!! that bag.. err,, i left it in my hometown.. in my hse in Muar!! ahhah (NOOO!! cmne ni??) can i pass it to my fren on monday??
GTS staff 1 : ahhha .. u come in, n see that kakak.
So I proceed dgn terus ke kakak yg tgh duduk n staring at her comp screen.
Me : Hi kakak. kak, saye nk return ni..tp the bag saye lupa. bleh tak saye pulang on monday, by pass it to my fren??
staff 2: erm..if nk byr, it's RM50.. jap akak cek other things ni,,
So kakak GTS pun cek laa..my cable, charger n lil vasco..whther sume IT gadgets yg make my life complicated ni ade ke tak..
Kakak staff 2 : aik.. where's the lock???
Me : Lock?? (lock ape lak ni..)
staff 2 : laa..kensington lock!!
Me : shit,, i left it in my hse in ampang!! hehehe so i pass that to my fren as well. or ill pay lah. rm 20 je kan??
Staff 2 : byk laa awak hahah..rm 300
Me : err,,if cmtu, ill return that lah heheh.nnti saye bg kat kwn saye..die pass kan kt akak.
Staff 2 : Cmni laaa.. u come back on Monday.. return all these skali selepuk.
Me : err..ok.. thanks ya
ntah laa kan..tp Sarey dah terguling2 disitu..muka pun merah padam..
so i pun pi laa level 15 balik...with the laptop.. i still can check my mails..not yet sayonara ppl!! ahhaha
ksimpulannye..my last day in pwc is 2oth oct.. haha
Hello Maybank.....hehe
dina..nmpk sgt hati kau msh di pwc..n aku pun syahdu baca blog kau ni..
hihi zai... stop it.. heheh
i enjoy reading this post.. haha.. gudluck in maybank dina.. bestnye dah takyah submit timesheet every 2 weeks...
Thanks beb.. tp..aku rindu tgk retain ahahah
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