Wednesday, February 25, 2009


One day in the Hospital Muar,
After spending almost half an hour searching for a parking space with emak,
Dah rimas macam nak ckp dgn mak, jom kita balik je lah..
I saw this!!!

Luckily I brought oranges for my uncle whom i visited, and not eggs.
(Ok, I know, no one will bring eggs to hospitals tapi ini perumpamaan shj)
If only those in my plastic bag were telur, ill pecahkan one to the front mirror (ok..18SG) with a note..
Dear Driver,
Pls jgn drive.
Since you cant even see the lines. Apatah lagi traffic lights.
All you have to do is take a bus/cab/train and renew you license every year.
Like me.


hani najib said...

hoyt! g visit sapekah?

Anonymous said...

visit sape ?no need to bawak telur for your uncle lah .he has his own telurs .hahaha ;pp

hani najib said...

ahahahahaha. nuns yang chumeyl~ ;p

dinaRr said...

hahahahah i hate u for this kind of jokes!!!

Pls nasihat ur adik ini.