I reached my hometown in the early morning of Thursday. Wishing that the fresh air, the kokokan ayam, the..err.. bunyian2 burung n kambing would help.. (Mak Tam - makcik saye yg duduk selang 2 rumah baru beli 4 ekor kambing!! Smlm saya main badminton ade bunyi kambing!!! Dari semangat nk bersukan, we laughed till saket perut. Sampai mcm x leh nk bersukan..Kambenggg btul!!! Ciss.. haha..)
Sampai dirumah, berkobar2.. mandi..makan.. nak study ok..
Unfortunately.. after lunch tu.. ngntuk.. yg amat.
So I slept without any feel of guilt.. bangun2 tu.. Hujan sgt lebat! So I continued.. mmg my antibody pon mcm asked me to sleep lagi..Ptg, hujan masih lebat..
While I was sleeping,
Hani : Akak.. bangun2..dah Raya Haji..
Malam tu.. tido awal.. sbb mcm dah biase tido awal haha
Mak tanye..
Emak: Dina..bila nk baca buku?
Me : Err.. bila dah x jet lag hehe
Others : Yeah rite..
On that 2nd day..
Berkobar2.. kepala pun lebih ringan.. Buat air panas pagi2.. so leh focus.. bukak tngkap..bunyi angin..ok set.. mmg leh study..
Breakfast, tgk news jap..
Tgh hari,
Bapak : Girls, jom pi tanjung nak?? Amik pics, pastu lunch ABC, rojak n ape2 yg kita bleh order..Pastu, terus amik mak kt office.
Girls : JJOMMMM!!
Buku2? Kemas n tersusun on the desk..
Ok for those yg x prnah dtg Muar, a pic showing one of the views in Tanjung.. Haha sorry mmg if kat Muar, there's no other place I can bring u lah.. ade Tanjung Emas je .. hehe
Ntah laa.. x tau ape nk jadi on the 3rd and 4th day..
3rd day - Hari Raya Haji.. Hari yg tak raye pun I just cant read. inikan raya.. huhu
4th day - tiket blk kl tu pagi.. If bace dlm bus, Ill end up pening2 lalat..
5th day - Here I come ACCA!!!!!!
Kau bia betul Dina?! Study btui2 wey! hehe. Dina, ur sista smile agak hawt-ouch-ouch la. Die ada practice kat mana2 ka?
kalau ade sale 3 elai singgit. that was my statement la ngeng. oh. poy's act. ahaha.
Im trying HARDD!
biler kau tgk?? tp aku la yg ada ouch-ouch-smile..!!
OK, EVYONE, HANI n POYO yg tahu RM1 for 3 helai.. hehe bukan saye!
dina!!gluck for the coming exams!go dina!!
thanks zainulku! u care!
dina... study2!! hehe. gluck jugak exam! all the best ye.
ps: aku last exam esok!! yeay!! hehehe
Ateh..Thanks! takut nyaa!
all the best to u too!!
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