Saturday, December 13, 2008


A night before the exam..
These were in my mind b4 going to sleep...

- Terdetik 'Eh..Syara ni dah sampai KL ke..?'
- Eeei.. Hai Zainul!! Miss u already..
- Call Sarey n Lely - to inform that I wanna tumpang her tomorrow n whther diorg nak nasi lemak kt tepi lrt tu tak?? So esok trus makan sama2 b4 the paper starts.
- Lamenye tak naik Myvi merah Azie.
- Next week nk pi pasar malam lah..
- Read a page of 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih'.. (by the author of Ayat-ayat Cinta) tak sabar nye nk habiskan.. I like~~
- Imagined that if I'm still in PwC, sure after the exam tu dah kat Bandung dgn Man, Misya n Afiq.
- Jika diizin tuhan, nk mimpi tgh jwb exam..dgn tenang.. InsyaAllah..
- I set my alarm clock at 3am.. Nak bgn baca buku..

Few mins after that, I realized, evything went black... ZzzZZz..

When some of my frens could not sleep as they were soo nervous for tomorrow's paper, this was my dream...

I was in airport dgn Syara.. ntah airport negara ape..x tau.. N guess who fetched us?? Zainul.. oo ok.. i'm in Ukraine..
Pastu Zai bawa ke hostel die.. bilik bersepah.. (tp reality tak kan Zai..?? Yes I know, dreams slalunye are the opposite HAHA) Qis lalu lalang dgn skarf awie.. (Tp aku x fikir kau pun b4 tido!! haha) So we planned.. nak pi mane eh kat Ukraine ni..
Syara tnye 'Dina.. esok kau paper cmne?? Mane smpat nk balik Msia.. Pastu Sarey n Lely mcmne?? Nasi lemak diorg..'
So I called Sarey n Lely 'Girls, Sorry..Im in Ukraine.. tak dpt belikan korg nasi lemak Salak Selatan hehe'.. (OMG!!! Paper aku tak worry, nasi lemak pulak yg big deal sgt!!)
Tiba.. the next scene, we were at Pasar Malam.. Org lain semua jalan kaki dari gerai ke gerai (mcm biase laa.. kat pasar malam).. But 3 of us were in Red Myvi car..Zainul drive.. Haha..
Beli tempe goreng, order dr dlm kereta.. tak kluar pun.. (kereknye). N pasar malam tu mcm kat Cairo je.. Org arab ramai.. (Mybe sbb the novel that I read tu, the hero jual tempe mase he studied in Uni Al-Azhar).
Balik from the pasar malam, kat Zai's hostel tu, Syara cried, n sedih sbb Ukraine mcm ada pasar malam je.. She expected more..I said..Ok.. Jom pi Bandung..
Then tiba2 terus dah kat Bandung.. Zainul dah x muncul.. ;(
But we met Man, Misya n Afiq there!!
Kami semua membeli belah bersama2 di Bandung...

KRINGGGGGG!!! Tgk jam, 6.30am!!!
Astaghfirullah al azimmmm..
x kesampaian nk bace buku at 3am..

Moral of the story : Cuci kaki before tidur..


Anonymous said...

ni create story ke ape ni ?
hahaha sumpah lawak weehhhh !!
moral of the story :bace buku few days before exam lah !!!!
wakakkakakkakka ;pp

dinaRr said...

ni terjadi dlm mimpikuu!! haha
eisshh sbb 'too much' of reading laa jd senget smpai mmpi ntah ape..

zainul hidayah said...

dina,miss u already!!!!
kan best kalu kau btul2 dtg cni..dtg la dina, dtg la.ak akan bwk kau selain pasar malam ukraine.haha

dinaRr said...

haha ok aku dtg, 1st day bw aku pi pasar malam dulu HAHHAHAAH pasar malam arab kt ukraine.. ishh

faizazmi said...

isk isk isk... sakit rupa2nya anak pak najib sorang nie........ DIna GILA!!!! hahhahaha

dinaRr said...

ahahah shut up u emmet.. drpd kau punya mimpi!! huhu